EU, Ukraine Refuse to Accept Results of 'Illegal' Referendum
Fall of the Eastern Bloc a challenge to parties in the West
The answers to the questions in the title of this chapter are that democratic legitimation, like a democratic polity, is many things linked by a common phrase, that different people want these different things for many different reasons and with many different expectations, and that it is both easier and more difficult than is often thought to know when their expectations have been realized. 1 So before anything else, some definitions are called for. The second face of the EU – its supranational character – calls for democratic legitimation of its institutions, in particular, in accordance with the promise contained in Article 10 TEU, proclaiming representative democracy in the institutional setup of the EU. While the lack of democratic legitimation in the European polity is striking when measured against member state parliamentarian democracies, this focus shifts attention off those less obvious empirical processes which enhance democratic legitimation in Europe. The standard version of the European Union 'democratic deficit' maintains that genuine pan-European elections and parties will only come about if the EU is transformed into a classic parliamentary This chapter examines the status of the EU’s democratic legitimacy after Lisbon: the treaty, which forms the legal foundation of the EU, and the 2009 judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court, which declared that the German law ratifying the treaty was compatible with the Basic Law, Germany’s constitution. 3 For a discussion of legitimation through national parliaments or the EP see: Bertold Rittberger, “Constructing Parliamentary Democracy in the European Union: How Did It Happen?”, in Beate Kohler-Koch and Berthold Rittberger (eds.), Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union , Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, p. 111-138. The democratic legitimation of the European Union rests on the Treaty System.
I A. Benz & Y. Papadapoulos (red.), Governance and Democracy. Comparing national, European and Democracy in the European Union. Democracy and Decision: The Pure Theory of Electoral Preference. “Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy”. I Hamlin Democratic legitimacy within the EU can be compared with the dual legitimacy provided for in a federal polity, such as the USA, where there are two independent sources of democratic legitimacy, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and, to become law, decisions must be approved both by one institution representing the people as a whole and by a separate body representing the peoples of the individual states.
Martin Karlsson - Google Scholar Citations
Their involvement is a prerequisite for the legitimacy of The democratic legitimacy of the EU has long been questioned - more so as successive EU Treaty amendments have limited the legislative powers of Member State governments by removing the national veto in decision-making, increasing the use of qualified majority voting and expanding the policy areas in which the EU has a role. The liberal democratic West is experiencing a legitimation crisis.
Research at Uppsala University - Uppsala University, Sweden
Much of this scholarship derives standards for democratic legitimate governance in the EU from the three core principles that Abraham Lincoln has espoused in his Gettysburg address and identified as core tenets for legitimising governance: According to Lincoln legitimacy derives from 2018-05-31 · The principle according to which democratic legitimacy is to be ensured at the level at which a given decision is taken, i.e. the EP is the prime and sole responsible of the democratic legitimacy of EU institutions’ decisions, is however strongly anchored, even in areas where not all Member States participate thereby setting the EP in a more dubious position (in the Four Presidents’ Report the principle that accountability should follow the level of decision-making has been This serves as basis to study the urgency of the democratic challenge in the EU economic governance, as well as its specificity. After the contributions to this special issue are briefly presented, this introduction examines what they bring to the overall debate on democratic legitimacy in this policy domain, among others in terms of the difficulties that have arisen across Member States. 2021-04-09 · This article examines the quality of democracy and legitimacy of the EU. If the EU can be considered democratic in terms of its institutional set-up, it is so in ways unlike those of nation-state democracies.
Their involvement is a prerequisite for the legitimacy of
democratic legitimation as the delegated legislation is further remote from the source of democratic legitimation, the people, than parliamentary law-making. As a general rule executive officials are not responsible at the polls as are elected representatives. Paul Craig states:17 'We are concerned about rule
Regional cosmopolitanism: the EU in search of its legitimation Erik O. Eriksen Received: 18 November 2014/Accepted: 21 November 2014/Published online: 4 December 2014 democratic legitimation. But the term ‘a federation of nation states’ sits uneasily with the idea of democracy as a self-
These democratic principles also shape the normative benchmarks used to evaluate legitimacy, thus preventing a ‘de-democratisation’ of legitimation discourses.
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EnglishIn practice, EU parties will for the foreseeable future lack any democratic legitimacy. more_vert.
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EU, det demokratiska underskottet och framtiden : En kvalitativ
Democracy, effectiveness, and legitimacy in global governance. • Decision-making and leadership in the EU's intergovernmental arena. • Publish or Perish? To Share Democratic Legitimacy Between Different. Political DEMOCRACY WITHIN THE EU IN THE LIGHT OF THE 1999 EUROPEAN 8. av N Nasiritousi · 2016 · Citerat av 30 — for the democratic legitimacy of increasing participation of non-state actors in European Journal of International Relations 12(4): 467–498. The transformation of governance in the European Union.